The Paradoxical Thanksgiving Celebration

Posted November 6, 2012 by catalystcleanse
Categories: Uncategorized

As a Gluten Free/ Dairy Free girl I dread the holiday dinner table.

Thanksgiving in particular is probably the most difficult holiday of the year as I feel like a prisoner when invited to friends and family and an outcast when I come strolling in with my “Holiday” meal in take out containers.

I have managed for 5 years to be quite creative in navigating the dishes I cannot eat.  I even have created ways to share my tasty treats with the others and even do some subtle educating at the same time.

So here is the paradox for me…  I do not think that the over indulgent traditional Thanksgiving Dinner Celebration is good for anyone. And where is the celebration? eating large quantities of food, gaining weight, producing indigestion? What is giving thanks to making yourself sick? 

I propose these easy switches for alternative holiday table fixings they honor your body and you taste buds:

Baked Casseroles                                  Oven Roasted Seasonal Vegetables

                                                            Zucchini, Brussel sprouts & potatoes with extra

                                                            virgin olive oil.

 Canned Cranberry                                Fresh Cranberry Relish

 Overcooked Vegetables                        Fresh seasonal raw Kale with pumpkin seeds and


 Appetizer/ dips                                    pumpkin hummus fresh veggies

 Stuffing                                               Warm quinoa with confetti vegetables savory

                                                           herbs drizzled with flax oil.

Apple Pie                                             Change it up with Raw Apple Pie so fresh you won’t believe it!                           (recipe below)

APPLE PIE by Joel Scott Odhner


2 C Shredded coconuts

1 C dates, pitted


3 Apples, chopped

10 Dates, pitted

1 Tsp Cinnamon

2 Tbs Psylium Husk, (add last)

Place shredded coconut in processor for about 30 sec. then add dates and process until sticky.  Press into pie pan. Blend all filling ingredients, adding the psylium in last, in food processor to desired consistency. Pour filling into crust. Chill for 1/2 an hour and Enjoy!

Lasts 3-5 days, refrigerated.

 Happy Holidays! 











Posted February 27, 2012 by catalystcleanse
Categories: Uncategorized

I have a new love in my life and it is Stevia! Before you pass judgement on alternative sweeteners, please hear me out.  I truly think I can convert anyone who “hates” that crazy taste that comes from anything that is “not” sugar.

Just to give you a little background- I LOVE sugar, honey, and agave. I have spent many years perplexed at anyone who would use Sweet n low, Equal, or Splenda. Chuckling at the craziness of eating man made manufactured powder…didn’t they know they were eating chemicals??? I would continue to eat my yummy “natural” sugar and quietly judge others who didn’t know any better.

Then a crazy thing happened as I got older my body began to change. The weight I maintained in my 20’s and 30’s had changed in my 40’s. I was adding weight and it wasn’t coming off. I worked out, ate low fat, cut out pasta and nothing really worked.  I did not consider myself to be a big sugar person, a packet of Sugar in the Raw in my coffee or honey in my tea was the norm. I was never into cookies or candy bars  but what I did eat was cranberry juice or sweetened iced teas and occasionally really good pieces of chocolate. This sugar routine was adding about 250-300 empty calories a day!

With a commitment to be at my ideal weight I looked into alternative food options. A girl friend of mine used Stevia all of the time and she would say it tasted great. I didn’t believe her,  I knew it had that crazy bitter aftertaste that would remind me with every sip or bite that it wasn’t sugar! She then shared with me that it is a calorie free sweetener and you can get it in flavors. So I decided to try it.  I went and bought a brand called Sweet Leaf  in Vanilla Cream and English Toffee. The next morning I added some to my tea and it wasn’t bad, the flavor certainly helped give it a nice little twist.  I even started adding it to my water and I found I was drinking much more water than before!

Here are some other things I found out about Stevia:

Stevia was discovered being used by the Gaurani Indians in Paraguay. It is a leaf that has a sweet taste, not by any carbohydrate based molecules, but by non caloric molecules called glycosides. People who cannot eat Sugar can tolerate Stevia, making it ideal for Diabetes and Hypoglycemia. Another property of Stevia is that unlike acid producing Sugar, Stevia has alkalinizing properties which aids in internal balance and overall health. Other benefits reported are regulating the pancreas, stabilizing blood sugar levels, lower elevated blood pressure, reduces gas, bloating and irritability and finally increases energy and mental clarity.

My favorite brands of stevia are as follows:

Nu Naturals as close to sugar as it gets my overall top pick ! It is made in liquid and powder. I prefer liquid as a little goes a long way. 100 packets is about $6.99 or a 2 oz bottle is about $9.99

Sweetleaf is one of my favorites because they have the largest flavored line. My favorites English Toffee and Peppermint. I make an ice water and squirt in pepperment it is like havig a minty icy water and it is so refreshing!

A box of 70 packets is around $9.99 and 2oz bottle is $8.99

There are so many out there and they do vary in taste and aftertaste. So choose wisely if you are a Stevia virgin it can make or break your experience!

Here is a favorite alkalinizing beverage I use with Stevia:


Juice of 1 lemon

12oz filtered water

10 drops of cayenne oil (or to taste)

6-10 drops Nu Naturals stevia

add ice

shake and drink

Day 4 and Conclusion

Posted February 14, 2012 by catalystcleanse
Categories: Uncategorized

Day 4

I woke up around 6:30AM, and got out of our bed eager to eat strawberries, which I had determined would be my breakfast.  My stomach handled them, however I could tell my system was processing the food faster than usual from the strange sounds and feelings it was making/having.  Around 11AM I ate hummus with cauliflower, carrots and a couple small pieces of pita, and for dinner I ate a salad full of vegetables.

For the first time since before the cleanse I went to the gym.  Although I felt lighter, I did notice my energy quickly ran out.  After two miles on the treadmill, I decided to make the move to the row machine and my arm muscles quickly grew tired.

Overall I felt great after the cleanse.  Oddly enough I did not crave unhealthy food anymore-I was enjoying my natural food and I felt healthy.  Over the next few days I plan on adding meat and dairy back into my diet, as well as the occasional green juice!


My main reason for wanting to try the juice cleanse was curiosity.  I think the juice cleanse should be used for people who want to jump start a healthy lifestyle or for people already live a healthy lifestyle but want to give their digestive system a vacation.  The cleanse was challenging at times but very rewarding in the end.  I will definitely do another Juice Cleanse from Catalyst in the future; it was a great experience and taught me a lot about myself as well as my body.


I received a lot of questions from friends and family during and after the cleanse:


Q. Were you constantly in the bathroom?

A.  No.  I think a lot of people hear the word “cleanse” and envision your body constantly ‘flushing’ itself of toxins, but that was not the case.  I went “#1” more frequently, but I was drinking a lot more than I typically do.


Q.  Weren’t you hungry?

A.  Not really-there were times that I was craving food, but physically I was not hungry.  Of course there were times that I wanted to eat, but after a juice I felt full and satisfied.  The only time I was actually hungry was when I fell behind in my schedule.  I had to go out for an appointment and had not had juice in over 4 hours.  Once I got about half of the juice in my system I felt great again.


Q.  Isn’t that expensive just for juice?

A.  We pay for a lot of things that are not as valuable as our health.  It really all depends on what you value.  I think it is important to recognize that you are not simply paying for juice-you are paying for a tool to help your body.


Comment:  I could never go without food for three days. There is no way I could do it.

A.  You would be surprised what you can do.  So much of the challenge is mental and if you can make it through Day 1 you can make it through 3 days.  We are so used to snacking and eating on a constant schedule you simply must find some self-control and you can do it.

Day 3

Posted February 13, 2012 by catalystcleanse
Categories: Uncategorized

Day 3 Weight 188.9/ 135
I think my trouble sleeping was due to an oncoming cold. I learned that it is not uncommon to experience cold like symptoms wile cleansing due to the infection working its way out of the system. I woke up feeling a little weak and was eager to get Juice number 1 in my system. It amazes me how I am actually enjoying the taste of the green juice—its refreshing and I feel like it gives me a nice kick to wake up with. The carrot/apple blend was one of my least favorites on day one and now it is my favorite.

I went to the grocery store and surprisingly was not tempted by the food all around me. I picked up a few items to transition back to food- avocados for guacamole, pinto beans for hummus, vegetables for dipping and fruits for snacks. As much as I went through waves of craving cheesesteaks and pizza over the past two days, I am actually really looking forward to raw food.

Rebecca seems to be doing much better as well. Less headaches, more energy, and reports that the juices taste better. She said she is feeling “light,” and I agree. I do not feel bloated or bogged down, sluggish etc.

My energy level has been great throughout the entire three days. In fact, I feel as though I have more energy than usual. I have always believed in the saying, “You are what you eat,” and this cleanse has proved that. Eating tons of empty calories does nothing for your body but slow it down—if you give your body the proper fuel it knows just what to do with it!

By the end of Day 3 I was convinced I could do more if I had decided to do so. I was in a groove; I found myself drinking the juices casually as I worked and enjoying the taste. I felt light on my feet, energetic and clear headed.

As Day three and our cleanse ended, Rebecca and I finished the last of our Cashew juice. We were proud of ourselves and excited to have made it through the journey. It was definitely a challenge at times but overall a very positive experience!

Day 2 189.2/ 13…

Posted February 11, 2012 by catalystcleanse
Categories: Uncategorized

Day 2 189.2/ 136.4

 I am not hungry.  I slept well. However I was not looking forward to drinking juice this morning.  I cracked open the green juice and something weird happened—it tasted different than yesterday.  Gone was the powerful cucumber, and instead it tasted like flavored water with subtle hints of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Rebecca is still struggling a bit-although I think this was to be expected; after all, she was not 100% into this from the beginning.  She is still missing coffee and the substitute of decaf tea is not cutting it, but she is plugging along and starting to appreciate the benefits.

The day was fairly uneventful-I began to fall into a routine and started thinking less about the fact I had not eaten in 48 hours.

 Every Tuesday night I am in a bowling league, so I was interested to see how slight physical activity affected my body.  I quickly noticed that I was fatigued quickly—not that my body couldn’t handle the bowling but I quickly became tired, as if I could fall asleep.  When I got home I was whiny, hungry, tired and moody.  When I think about it, I’m not sure if I am actually hungry or just crave food.  Physically I feel as though I could eat and would welcome food, but I think more than anything I simply WANT food (tonight I couldn’t get the vision, smell and taste of a cheesesteak out of my head).  For the most part my stomach has felt full and satisfied. We went to bed around 11PM, however neither one of us fell asleep easily.  While I believe Day 1 was the most difficult mentally, Day 2 was the most physically challenging of the days.